Human Capital | Category D

Explore Human Capital Subcategories and Special Item Numbers (SINs) listed below for information on including human resources, talent acquisition, social services, and background investigations. Solutions include Human Capital Management, Administrative Support, Social Services, and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) services.

Background Investigations
SIN 561611 HR Support: Pre-Employment Background Investigations
Compensation and Benefits
SIN 541214HRCompensation and Benefits
Human Resources
SIN 54161Agency Human Capital Evaluation
SIN 56131Talent Acquisition
SIN 524292Separation and Retirement
SIN 541611W Workforce Analytics and Employee Records
SIN 541612EPM Employee Performance Management
SIN 541612ER Employee Relations
SIN 541612HCAgency Human Capital Strategy, Policy and Operations
SIN 541612LOB Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB)
SIN 541612LR Labor Relations
SIN 561EEOEEO Services
SIN 611430TDTalent Development
Social Services
SIN 624SSSocial Services, Professional Counseling and Veterans' Readjustment and Behavioral Health Services

Additional Category Insight:

• In Fiscal Year 2019, $481 Million contract transaction value reported for this Human Capital category

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