Facilities | Category B

Explore Facilities Subcategories and Special Item Numbers (SINs) listed below for information on facilities services including facilities maintenance and repair, food service equipment, and more.

Facilities Maintenance, Management and Repair
SIN 561210FACComplete Facilities Maintenance and Management
Facilities Services
SIN 238320Surface Preparation
SIN 541690EEnergy Consulting Services
SIN 561210FSFacilities Support Services
SIN 561730Grounds Maintenance
Facilities Solutions
SIN 334512 Total Solution Support Products for Facilities Management Systems
SIN 541513Smart Buildings Systems Integration
SIN 561210SBSmart Buildings Systems Integrator
SIN 811310MRMachine and Equipment Maintenance Repair
Facilities Supplies
SIN 322291Restroom Products
SIN 326199Waste and Recycling Containers and Receptacles - Outdoor and Indoor Use
SIN 332321Doors, Windows, Skylights, Panels, and Shutters
SIN 339994Hand Floor Cleaning Equipment
SIN 333318FFloor Care Cleaning and Equipment
SIN 339113GGloves (e.g., electrician's, examination, household-type, surgeon's)
Food Service Equipment
SIN 311423Non-Perishable foods Includes non-perishable provisions and food service support, such as water
filtration units, portable water, non-perishable subsistence meals, beverages, portable kitchen units, etc.
SIN 333241Food Preparation Equipment
SIN 335220Sanitation and Ware Washing Equipment
SIN 336999Food Center Concepts
SIN 332215TCooking Utensils
SIN 333415REM Refrigeration Equipment
SIN 238160Roofing Products and Services Solutions: Includes roofing products, services and associated application materials. Includes sustainable, energy efficient/savings solutions, and installation and site preparation, related to and ordered in conjunction with products for repair or replacement of an existing roof
SIN 321991Mobile Homes, Travel Trailers "Includes pre-engineered and/or prefabricated buildings and structures for storage solutions, such as leveling the trailer, maintenance agreements, and design assistance. NOTE: Excludes construction products and services.
SIN 332311Above Ground Storage Tanks/Systems
SIN 332311PPre-Engineered and Prefabricated Buildings and Structures for Storage Solutions
SIN 332312Temporary and Permanent Structures (eg. portable roads, airstrips, helipads, ramps, and bridges)
SIN 532490PLease/Rental of Pre-Engineered/Prefabricated Buildings and Structures

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